Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gary V vs. Howard Stern: My Thoughts

I don't know why and I don't know how but, Gary Vaynerchuk of Wine Library TV went on an attack against Howard Stern. I'm not going to explain it all. You can read his post here.

Now, here's what i want to say: No one cares, really. To make it worse, it's only on part of what you heard about. Yes, social networking is a great tool but, not everyone knows about most of these sites. My mom knows about Facebook and MySpace but only because someone gets killed, raped or whatever and is reported on 20/20, Dateline and other news outlets on tv.
To say Stern don't know what Facebook is by him calling it "MyFaceSpace" is ridiculous. The only reason he knows about them is because his daughters are on them. I guess being a good parent and being in your kids lives these days come with punishment.

Side note: I just ordered my copy of "Too Fat To Fish" the book and CD by Artie Lange. :D

What was I saying? Oh... Stern is like in his 50's. I highly doubt  needing to know all the social tools of today are #1 on his do to list.
I would go longer but, I have gas like crazy and I need to work on my book.

Posted by email from Outsanity's Posterous

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