Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nineteen Ought Six

Nineteen Ought Six by Outsanity  
Download now or listen on posterous
Nineteen Ought Six.mp3 (238 KB)

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Monday, December 14, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Unboxing And Review of Logitech Z5 Omnidirectional Speakers

This is the unboxing

This is the review.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Quick Thought On Super Mario Bros. Wii

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Mini Vlog: Super Obama Bros. Wii

Do the Mario! Swing your arms from side to... Ah, forget it.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

ThinkGeek Unboxing

I love buying from ThinkGeek. I wish I worked with them and get paid in cash and toys.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Lala + Apple = Lalapple

I read on TechCrunch about how Apple acquired Lala.com and My first reaction was: OH GOD NO!
If you never heard of Lala, it's a site that's almost similar to iTunes but you can listen to music for free for the first time but you get a 30 second clip and the option to buy the album or song real cheap. It used to be a CD swapping site from what I read. They even have an uploader that scans your music folder and uploads your songs and playlists so you can listen to the song you already own (legally or illegally) for free. If you never heard of Apple, you need to get out of that Amish community and get on the ball.
Now, it could be a good deal meaning more music that might not be on Lala will be available but Apple could raise the prices and/or intergrade movies, tv shows, and even the app store if they wanted to. I admit that I use Lala but have not yet to buy music yet. I use iTunes but refuse to buy music from there. I would rather use Lala because I can be someplace else and still access my music. We'll have to see how this comes out but my gut feeling says "bad".

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Silly Domo. You're Not A-Rod.

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Silly Domo. You're Not In The Army.

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Silly Domo. You Can't Have @iJustine.

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Silly Domo. Sugar Will Kill You.

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Silly Domo. You Can't Direct.

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Silly Domo. You're Not Dexter.

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Silly Domo. You're Not A Gamer.

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Silly Domo. You Can't Smoke.

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Silly Domo. You're Not John Travolta.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Twitter "Games" Are Annoying

We can assume everyone is on Twitter (like me: @Outsanity). Millions of people are posting the most brain dead things that you would think people that connects them some how. Beyond that, we can get and send important news and updated. We all know about apps and sites that pay you to post an ad once a while. Which brings me to the point of my post. Now, I don’t get or understand most of these Twitter “games” Like Spymaster and others.

As a Twitter user, I say if you must partake in these games, please, make sure you don’t annoy your followers. Me, I don’t mind only because I follow so many people I won’t notice the game tweets. Now, a DM is different. They can really bulk your DM inbox as well as your email. As a tip, if possible, please keep it from sending DM invites or flooding your timeline or you’ll end up losing your followers. No one likes to lose followers.

Oh, but this is not aimed towards the game players.

This is towards the sites that make these games. You people create these “games” for Twitter and my gut feeling says you KNOW what your game will do. All I want to say is you need to fix it so maybe it will stay on your website or options to post actions on twitter or not or maybe pick certain hours to post them. I’m not saying I hate or like these games. Just asking for some kind of fix, so to say.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Left 4 Demo: A Short Review Of The Left 4 Dead Demo

Today, I spent my money on my usual daily shenanigans. But, today was more of a special day if you’re a Steam member. The slightly awaited Left 4 Dead 2 demo came out. If you never played the first Left 4 Dead the storyline is four survivors trying to escape a zombie apocalypse which just about sounds like any other zombie game to most gamers. I still like playing it.

My impression of L4D2 is that it’s good in my view. The graphics look better than the first L4D. They added a few game plays and new weapons. In the demo, you get to play a two-stage campaign called The Parish. You get the typical zombie with the “special infected” plus some new special infected added.

It’s very jam packed with action just about every step you take in the game. Even when they difficulty was on Normal, it felt like it was on Expert. The demo is only $49.99 but you can save 10% off and pay $44.99. It’s well worth the price.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Are Your Thoughts On The New Macs?

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

A Personal Review Of The New Macs

So, on October 10th, 2009, Apple came out with brand spanking new Macs. They made updates to the iMacs, Mac Mini, MacBook, the mouse and remote. Here's my impressions of what I seen on the Apple website.

The new iMacs: I must say, I'm rather impressed by the new design. I love that it has 4 USB ports and now an SD card slot just below the SuperDrive. They now come in 21.5 and 27 inches for a bigger display for watching your HD content. Sadly, no Blu-Ray but if it was added, it would really make the new iMac worth playing movies on it. I don't think I care much for a 27 inch screen or the fact it now has a LED-backlit display. Sounds like a pain in the ass should it ever go out. 21.5 inches should be no bigger than a 20 inch iMac like the one I got. If I had the money, I would get one tricked out but just the 21.5" one. 27" is just too much for myself.

The Mac Mini: Still the same price with more memory and a quicker processor. The new thing is a "special version" of the Mac Mini with Snow Leopard Server installed. Now, a Mac Mini would be perfect for the person who wants a Mac but can't afford the higher priced models. Now, if this is as powerful as they say, you could just make it your Windows machine via BootCamp if you already have a Mac. I would do that since I already have my iMac.

The new MacBook: Pretty much it's the all white MacBook but with a new unibody design. It has more rounded corners, which look better than the older model. The built in 7 hour battery is a slight turn off for me. If I were to have one to use, I don't want to waste the battery if I'm in a stable place. I would use the power cord but the battery is built in so that means that I'm stuck to either risk killing my battery's life via the power cord or just using the battery as the main source. I can tell you now that most of my battery ran electronics tend to never be the best after a short while for some reason. Like the new iMac it has the LED-backlit display and now has the multi-touch trackpad. My only tiny issue is why not offer black again? Or, why not make the body the same as the MacBook Pros? By the way... Do anyone still use ethernet adaptors? They could had put maybe an SD card slit there or something. But, that's me and my thinking.

Magic Mouse and the new Apple Remote: Here are the final two that I have to be honest and say that I hate. I know I haven't touched either one but something about them throws me off to hate them. First, the Magic Mouse. it's wireless and comes standard with all new Macs but I think this mouse is the worse next to the Mighty Mouse itself. Looks like it's way too much work just to click and scroll. I'm used to the physical actions of a 2 button mouse and a scroll wheel. The new Apple Remote... Just ugly. I commend them for making it look like a scroll wheel iPod Nano but I'm sure you have to press buttons. I will say that if the wheel pard was an actual scroll wheel to control the volume or something, I would be impressed. The mouse cost about 70 bucks while the remote goes for around 20. The remote shouldn't even cost that much and as for the Magic Mouse, you could save that money and just get a Wacom Bamboo Touch.

So far, that's my honest thoughts of the new mac stuff. If you agree or disagree, feel free to post a comment below.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Monday, October 19, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Looky What I Found. INSTRUMENTALS!

Every Girl by Lil Wayne  
Download now or listen on posterous
05 Every Girl.mp3 (7106 KB)

Best I Ever Had by Drake  
Download now or listen on posterous
02 Best I Ever Had.mp3 (10437 KB)

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

YouTube's Changed The Video Player

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

What's Some Good Games For The PS3?

If you have a PS3, list some games you think I may enjoy. My top getters would be: Rachet & Clank, Little Big Planet, and Uncharted 1 and 2.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity


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RIP Captain Lou Albano

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Monday, October 12, 2009

Hey Nintendo...

You know, I kinda dig the fact I can upload my DSi photos to Facebook but, something seems missing to me. At some point, I would like to see maybe a Twitter DSi Ware that can also upload DSi photos to TwitPic. That would be nice to have I think. Another thing is that you have all the classic games in the Virtual Console. I say make one that will let us download Gameboy and Gameboy Advance games on the DSi.

Oh! And how about some sort of kit so people can make their own DSi Ware? Just a thought.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity


If you never encountered this strange error in your Mac's Terminal app, then you're lucky. I, sadly, had made friends with this error gibberish sometime last month. I admit that I only use Terminal to make it talk and say swear words (example here). Yesterday, I figured that if there's no way to find the answer, Google would find one. Boy, did it ever. One of the more reliable links on the Google search was to a post on the Apple forums. Skimming for anything that looked like a solution, someone posted a link saying "more help here". Clicking on it, it went to a site that explains what's causing it. And just what was causing the error? Two Google Talk plugins in the QuickTime folder.


It is coming from the Google Talk's virtual video devices (but it's probably not actually causing any trouble directly - see below) - which are installed here:
/Library/QuickTime/Google Camera Adapter 0.component

And the MacCam related functions are in these two files:
/Library/QuickTime/Google Camera Adapter 0.component/Contents/MacOS/Google Camera Adapter 0
Run strings on it (
strings "/Library/QuickTime/Google Camera Adapter 0.component/Contents/MacOS/Google Camera Adapter 0" | grep -i magiccam) and you get:

Anyway it's not actually harmful and generally if you've a problem this is unlikely to be the cause of it. You can just [re]move the files as necessary to get rid the messages though your problem may well be somewhere else but at least you can eliminate it as a possible cause.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My Thought On: Gang Activity In Chicago((Outsanity, thought, Chicago, gang, activity, rant))

Giving Chicago so many millions for after school programs will NOT get rid of the gang activity that's been going on. Quit masking the problem. How about doing some cleaning up in Chicago? Like the removal of all gang activity? Or, maybe a gun check on some of these shops? All this shit happening makes me just about embarrassed to even live in Chicago. Plus, with it happening in my own area, I barely go out anymore in fear of a bullet hitting me or anyone else who don't deserve such a stupid action.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Oh Shit! A Vlog?((Outsanity, video, blog, vlog, work, life))

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Monday, September 28, 2009

My Thought On: Chicago's Olympic Bid

People in Chicago are excited because Friday is when we hear news of who's hosting the 2016 Olympics. It would be a big deal for Chicago. I, for one, don't really care for them. I haven't watched them before so why would I watch them now if they are hosted here? I would think maybe the main issue would be cleaning up the city of Chicago from all this gang activity, shooting and senseless killings that's happening lately. Yeah, that's what you want to represent when bidding to host the Olympics.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

My Thought On: Swine Flu Shots

I saw in places like Walgreens, CVS, and other places that you could get the Swine Flu shot. Of course, it will cost you about 50 bucks. How nice. The most deadliest flu to be going around that will kill has a cure but you have to pay for it. I would think something like that would be free. I mean, it will pretty much kill you on site. As someone said on this stream I was watching "It's like they found the cure for AIDS but it will cost you $200".

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The @RedEyeChicago Tweetup

I have to say this was my first Tweetup since I been on Twitter and I had a blast. Here are some photos I took. All the photos will be on my Flickr.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity