Today, I spent my money on my usual daily shenanigans. But, today was more of a special day if you’re a Steam member. The slightly awaited Left 4 Dead 2 demo came out. If you never played the first Left 4 Dead the storyline is four survivors trying to escape a zombie apocalypse which just about sounds like any other zombie game to most gamers. I still like playing it.
My impression of L4D2 is that it’s good in my view. The graphics look better than the first L4D. They added a few game plays and new weapons. In the demo, you get to play a two-stage campaign called The Parish. You get the typical zombie with the “special infected” plus some new special infected added.
It’s very jam packed with action just about every step you take in the game. Even when they difficulty was on Normal, it felt like it was on Expert. The demo is only $49.99 but you can save 10% off and pay $44.99. It’s well worth the price.