Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Is Coming Up

Here's what I want you to do.

Thanksgiving is coming up. You get like two days if you're in elementary/high school. One day if you're a normal human adult.
For the love of God...

I don't care even if it's email. You won't miss anything. I'm sure of this. Don't even have your phone on.  No, Twitter, Plurk, Rejaw, FriendFeed, MySpace, Facebook and all the other social sites you're on. As with all other holidays, there are about spending time with your family. Are you saying your family is that bad that you rather be on Twitter all day or posting a new LOLcat on FriendFeed?

Maybe I'm posting this and people will actually catch on to this or maybe people are just so fucktarded that they will just be on their phone or computer all day during any holiday.

Posted by email from Outsanity's Posterous

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