Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Short "Review" Of Sonic 4, Episode 1

I have to say that I haven't beaten the game but, I guess I can still post a thought about it anyways.
Let me start off by saying this quick gamer logic epiphany I had some days ago. How is this Sonic 4 when it's really Sonic 5? Are people overlooking Sonic & Knuckles? I mean, it did come after Sonic 3 continuing off the storyline, if you want to call it that. But, I guess because they don't officially label it as the 4th, it's not the 4th. Meh.

The main question is: Is it worth the money?
Most of... Well, everything is like a rehashed, HD remixed version of the originals. You don't have to be a Sonic fanboy/girl to know what levels they are based on. Some levels you have to almost figure out some kind of puzzle that you'll end up Googling a solution for. A good example is in Lost Labyrinth Zone 2. I would say what it is but... Spoil, I shall not do. The special stage I have stated are a bitch to do unless your controller power level is over some ridiculous high number. Way different than in Sonic 1 because you control the board, you have to collect a set number of rings to unlock the little ring gate, and it's timed (video). The controls are a little tricky (at least for me on the PS3). Meaning the homing attack seemed like it would sometimes work on time and sometimes it would be off a bit.

So, is it worth the money? Ummm... Yeah. Only because most of these new Sonic games are either shitty or just bad ideas from the start like Sonic and the Secret Ring and Sonic and the Black Knight. Sonic Unleashed has it's moments but the Wii version = shitty.
Anyways, that's my input. You may say different, you may say the same, or you may say the same differently... Lolwut?

Comments, yeah?

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Friday, October 22, 2010

What I Hate About Sonic 4

So far it's the bonus stage.
Remember in Sonic 1 how you had to navigate Sonic in that LSD like stage for the Chaos Emerald? Well, Sonic 4's stage is like that but YOU control the STAGE. I mean, one would have to get used to it but it's too bothersome. Not sure about on the Wii and the 360 but on the PS3 you can move the stage with the control stick/D-pad or the controller itself. And just when you thought it's over... It's timed AND you have to collect a certain number of rings to get into a section of the stage.

The rest of the game, I think is good but, I'll have to play it more for a better thought of it.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Thoughts On The L4D/L4D2 "The Sacrifice" DLC

I feel like this and my opinion(s) may differ from yours but this is what I think after playing it just now. It's an ok campaign. I loved playing with the old L4D characters but it was a bit short. Then again, I guess you really don't need like 4-5 maps to tell the story that left off in the L4D2 "The Passing" DLC. I feel it's best played on L4D2 more than L4D because you get the new Special Infected. Some of the achievements are something you more likely have to plan out to get or have your friends help in a private VS. game. I haven't played the "TAAANNNKK!" mutation but from what I saw from some of the broadcasters I watch on Justin.tv... It's a real bitch. Unless you're a pub then you may have a chance to survive to the safe room. One drawback I wish Valve did was allow you to play the L4D2 characters in the No Mercy campaign but I guess the community made map will have to do for me. Again, I'm not saying it's a bad DLC. It's ok for me.


Feel free to post your thoughts on it, PC/360 users.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Postsanity