Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Dear Gmail...

Would you PLEASE take Gmail out of fucking "beta"? I never seen anything be a beta as long as Gmail has been. it's been, what... 20 years? Gmail works. Drop the beta.

You pussies.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Posterous

Monday, April 27, 2009

MyBoobSpace - MySpace Need To Clean Up A Little

I never would thought I'd ever complain about this. I guess getting older and seeing MySpace pretty much die out, this post would make sense to some.
Do we really need a million damn groups on MySpace about boobs? I'm not against boobs (and I never will be) but the fact that now kids are on there, one private titty group would be enough. Tom don't care anyways. He likes penis.

Yeah, cheapshot to Tom.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Posterous

MyBoobSpace - MySpace Need To Clean Up A Little

Click here to download:
Boobspace (65 KB)

I never would thought I'd ever complain about this. I guess getting older and seeing MySpace pretty much die out, this post would make sense to some.
Do we really need a million damn groups on MySpace about boobs? I'm not against boobs (and I never will be) but the fact that now kids are on there, one private titty group would be enough. Tom don't care anyways. He likes penis.

Yeah, cheapshot to Tom.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Posterous

Moment Of Zen - 4/27/2009

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Moment Of Fail - Zappos

Proof you can toss the word "fail" in other words to make one Failtastic word.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

PSP Update 5.50


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Is It Possible To Use These New Social Networking Sites As A New Form Of iSpeedDating?

Most of us seem to know about these professional dating sites like and... Well, whatever the other one is called. The short point is that people used said sites to seek out someone that is similar to them or have similar interests. If I know one thing about most people is that they are, as Bob Barker says, "El Cheapo". Not alot of people will shell out an assload of cash to make a long profile that may not even get them an email reply. So, what does one do now?
Ah, good ol' MySpace and Facebook. Most people would laugh at the idea of "hooking up" with someone on MySpace/Facebook. Most of the people in that small group more likely have done it. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it fails. Sadly, now these sites are used to find a quick fuck for the night or week. The question is now: Where do I go to find a mate?
Twitter is one hell of a place. Is it possible to use it as a microblogging AND microdating site? Let me think about this...


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Just Some Photos...

Thought I'd share a post with my photos...

See and download the full gallery on posterous

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Fucking With The Ex ((Outsanity, Yahoo, IM, messenger, convo, ex, self-humor))

I call myself having my so-called fun with my ex. I still have no idea why she re-added me on Yahoo if she don't talk.
Keeping tabs on me, eh?
Anyway... Here's the convo.

outsanitydotcom: hey Debbie
poetica_princess015: ... Debbie?
outsanitydotcom: what's new?
poetica_princess015: ... Debbie?
outsanitydotcom: sounds fun
poetica_princess015: ...Debbie?
outsanitydotcom: how was your weekend?
poetica_princess015: ...Debbie?
outsanitydotcom: mines was tiresome
outsanitydotcom: you're lucky
poetica_princess015: bot-imitation fail?
outsanitydotcom: i know i hated that it rained
outsanitydotcom: but i'm glad i didn't have to walk with the white drunks
outsanitydotcom: you have fun on spring break?
outsanitydotcom: you sure got rude lately
poetica_princess015: I'm still on the Debbie part...
outsanitydotcom: debbie?
outsanitydotcom: you mean little debbie?
outsanitydotcom: well, if you're still eating, just say so
poetica_princess015: outsanitydotcom: hey Debbie Chakira H.: ... Debbie? outsanitydotcom: what's new? Chakira H.: ... Debbie? outsanitydotcom: sounds fun Chakira H.: ...Debbie? outsanitydotcom: how was your weekend? Chakira H.: ...Debbie? outsanitydotcom: mines was tiresome outsanitydotcom: you're lucky Chakira H.: bot-imitation fail? outsanitydotcom: i know i hated that it rained outsanitydotcom: but i'm glad i didn't have to walk with the white drunks outsanitydotcom: you have fun on spring break?
poetica_princess015: experimenting with chatterbots, eh?
poetica_princess015: more power to ya...
outsanitydotcom: yeah... you gotted way rude
outsanitydotcom: i try to make friendly convo and you want to talk about little debbies
poetica_princess015: done now?
outsanitydotcom: i guess so since you don't like to talk much Debbie
poetica_princess015: dude...
outsanitydotcom: tho i have no idea why you added me back if you don't plan to talk
poetica_princess015: fail...
poetica_princess015: Well, since you're talking to Debbie... not me...
outsanitydotcom: well, i'm talking to you
outsanitydotcom: you no reply
poetica_princess015: ?
poetica_princess015: what?
poetica_princess015: dude?
outsanitydotcom: hmm?
poetica_princess015: what are you taking about?
outsanitydotcom: i haven't said anything
poetica_princess015: ...
poetica_princess015: /:)

Posted via email from Outsanity's Posterous

Friday, April 17, 2009

Celebrities Need Not Apply To Social Networks

I'll make this rather short.
Why are celebrities even on social networks? What purpose will that serve us other than promoting?

[twickie code]

I think if you want to be on a social network as a famous person, then you better interact with your folowers/fans. It's almost like you're iSnubbing us. But, this is just one crazy person's opinion. 

Posted via email from Outsanity's Posterous

Thursday, April 16, 2009

2 Ideas For The Nintendo DSi

I had two ideas for the DSi. Rather than put it in text, I just did a quick video.

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YouTube vs. Hulu - The Fight Is On!

I just saw on @<a href="" target="_blank">YouTube</a>'s Twitter that they finally did what the rumors said they was doing: Pushing out the shows/movies and the ads. Basically it's like Hulu inside of YouTube. The problem is they are old shows and, unlike Hulu, more likely won't be uploading new episodes of shows.

Sorry but, is YouTube losing viewers or something? Seems like a bad move to me. Who's to say that YouTube won't just cut out user content and become a Hulu/Joost clone? it's kind of funny that when YT first started, all you was was tv shows, then they got all legal up the ass, and now they are showing shows again but with ads and all that shit. I really think this may put a damper in YouTube's socket.

Posted via email from Outsanity's Posterous

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vant #2 - Sega Needs To Fire Sonic And Knuckles

Just think about it and you'll see what I'm talking about.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Outsanity On The DSi

Outsanity On The DSi

As you see from the video, I gave my first look impressions of the Nintendo DSi. Please watch the video above. After tinkering with it it comes to me that there are a few things I wish Nintendo would had added or changed.

1. PictoChat - When messing with it alone, it's just a sketching app. If you have family/friends then it's a cool messenger/chat function. So, what change could I want with PictoChat? Um, maybe playing it with other DS/DSi owners online. I mean, the DSi does have WiFi. I think it could had been done but, Nintendo, like Apple, is withholding it for a new DS later on more likely so I assume.
Music Player - I think I addressed this in the video but... Who the hell uses AAC for a music format? Did Nintendo forget people use MP3's these days? Maybe grandpa uses AAC but not the kids of today.
Camera - Nothing is really wrong with the camera. I know sooner or later we'll see YouTube videos of people hacking the DSi's camera to add a higher megapixel lens. But, I'm thinking some sort of video app or maybe using the camera on some sites with the DS browser like Seesmic or 12Seconds. For all I know, it may work on them sites but I haven't tried it out yet.
DSiWare - I think the only "name brand" titles they have is Brain Age and Wario Ware. I'm hoping they will do this later on but they should have ALL GameBoy games to download. That covers the original GB, GBC (GameBoy Color), and GBA (GameBoy Advance).

As far as I can tell, these are the only changes I wish Nintendo would do. Do you think I'm right or do you have anything you'd like to see, reply to the post or the video.

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

My iMac Is Upset At Chris Pirillo

During live calls on he made his Mac Pro say "OS X (ten)". I had to try it and well, my iMac wasn't pleased

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