Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Vegetables As Weapons = FAIL
What wasyou thinking?
Download now or listen on posterous
Coloring Eases Me
I did this for mymom like last year. Left photo is my mom's high school photo scanned asis. Right photo is after I colored it.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Adobe Earned The "WTF" Award
I go to installFlash Player 10 for IE and it installs with ease.
But, When I install the Firefox version, this shows up...
Seriously, Adobe... WTF?
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Veto Pen Shirts
I finallymade something using RedBubble.It's two simple designs but something that let's people know youwatched the debate that aired.
VetoPen (White) and VetoPen (Black).
Why not buy one? :D
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Where Would I like To Go?
If I couldgo somewhere on a week vacation, I'd go to New York and California for2 days each.
The REAL question is will I be able to get on an airplane? More likely,I wouldn't.
Yeah, kinda sucks but... I just don't like planes.
I don'tknow how long this little app has been out but, Purrint is FUCKINGAWESOME!
Here's an example of me using it.
I took a screenshot of me taking a screenshot. I think I just made atime paradox.
It's mainly for windows. Says on their site:
"Make your PrintScreen (and alt-print screen) button work the way itought. Save to file (bmp, png, jpg, gif), print to printer, or copy todumb ol' clipboard. Works in any version of windows since Win95, andit's only 114k.
- Documentation in the included readme.txt file
- Multi-monitor support
- Command line options
- Click the kitty for advanced options
Yes, there's a kitty. Makes it even better.
Hi. I'm aduck. Why do you like to eat my eggs?
Why are you shooting at my family with that red gun?
I put a kibosh on you!
So, how's you?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Take A Chill Pill
Medicinefor your ears.
Download now or listen on posterous
Monday, September 22, 2008
Me + Credit Card = Trouble?
Quit laughing.
So far, I paid off 200 bucks off my bank account. That can be paid off in a snap. The other things I plan to do is use it to get back into school. Not sure if I'll do online classes or go to the school. And, of course, my own PC/laptop. I want to get the imac I still want but to add on the laptop would kill me IF I get a MacBook. Unless I just get a cheap Windows laptop.
Hopefully, I'll get more hours at work so everything will be square. At least for now, anyways.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Dear New iPod Nano Owner
It comesto my attention that you have to shake your iPod to shuffle yourplaylist.
Dare I say...
If I catch you doing said action out in PUBLIC, I will have no choicebut to bitchslap you silly with your own iPod. Thanks for understandingand not looking like a douche in public.
Your favorite nonfan,
Thursday, September 18, 2008
World Tour
One day,I'd like to be able to visit other states other than Mississippi andmaybe other countries. Of course, I'll be dead by the time they makebridges from the USA to Japan.
Week 1 Of My Change To Save
$231.85 is left to pay off.
Let's hope I can keep this up. If so, hen maybe there's hope for megetting that iMac...
(yeah right)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I Hate Being Poor
My oldjob, I would make around $200+ bucks a week only because I had morehours and days. Now, I only make $100+ a week if I'm lucky. I need toask for more hours or get a second job. It's not easy to live off 100bucks a week when it could be gone within 3 days. I have to eat, youknow.
As of now, I found out I'm in the hole by 300 bucks. Now, I have toclose my bank account because the fuckers actually charge like 35 bucksa day and shit. I HAVE to close it because, again, 100 bucks will notcut it to pay that off. Plus, that money, if I get more hours, would bemore useful in my life. Like, my goal is to get an iMac just for myediting since this Gateway sucks.
It would be a bit helpful if people would also help by clicking ads. Imean, that's about as close to giving me a donation without giving anymoney. Anyways... I doubt anyone will read this so, blah.