Thursday, July 31, 2008

More Focus

Ok, I took a photo at work of this yellow outlet here:
Yellow Plug (Original)
Yellow Plug (Original) by Outsanity on Zooomr

What I did was edit it to make the outlet more in focus like this:
Yellow Plug
Yellow Plug by Outsanity on Zooomr

What I want to know is does it look ok or is there some kind of improvement(s) you want to suggest, let me know in the comments.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Best YouTube Comment Ever!

Let me show you two retarded comments for the same retard. The douchebag's YouTube name is ChezterG. I'm not going to link his profile seeing how he only has 2 videos. So, I check YouTube and see I have 2 new comments. So, here's the first one he sent me.

I laughed because, wouldn't that mean he'd have to go to every popular vlogger's YouTube and tell them to stop? For some reason I, peaked his interest (or hate). I pretty much told him to change his tampon and quit being a he-bitch. But then i read the second comment.
I'm flattered some 17 year old queer wants to keep tabs on me but... Sorry, Charlie. I highly doubt I'm going to listen to some punk emo cocksucker telling me to stop filming myself because he can't find his wrist slitting razor. By the way, IF I was obsessed with myself, shouldn't I have more videos than I already have? Hell, why would I be on the internet if I was?
Stupid knob gobbling knucklehead.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sony PSP Update 4.05

I posted this video to show the new Sony PSP Firmware update and what it included. All there was to the update was a new visual player. It's really nothing special. All it does is act like water reacting to water drops. Not something I'd push out in an update by itself.

Bike Ride

It was raining with lighting way earlier. I hope it don't rain so I can ride my bike to work. I'd ride my bike more if I could.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Flickr Are Douchebags

Well, let me explain. This will be quick.
I emailed Flickr in attempt to gain access to my "hidden" photos since I'm back to a free user. I checked my email and here's their reply:

Hello, Outsanity Photos!

This is an automatically generated copy of a help case reply:


Thank you for contacting Flickr Customer Care.

I'll be more than glad to assist you.

Since you have a Free account you can only see the latest 200 uploads,
the old ones haven't been deleted, they have just been hidden until you
upgrade to Pro or make space for old files.

If you want to upgrade to Pro please check this link:

If you don't want to upgrade to Pro, you can make copies of the photos
that you do see and save them in your PC. After this you can delete the
latest uploads, and the old ones should come up.

Thank you again for contacting us. If you have any other questions,
please feel free to reply to this email.

Flickr Customer Care

Ummm... maybe I'm missing something but would it had killed Flickr to maybe give me temp PRO for one day? If I wanted to delete my recent photos, why would I bother to even upload them in the first place? I know they need to make money but to push going PRO when you're asking for help don't really reflect "customer care" to me.

Friday, July 11, 2008

A Quote

i think i'm one of the few who's gonna wait on the iphone 3g. too many smoke & mirrors to buy a phone who's price will drop again in 6 mons. Sheena R on Twitter

People Will Never Learn

Today, people was in line as far back as Monday to get the new Blackberry. Ok, it was actually the iPhone. That's right, the new iPhone is now slimmer and has 3G and GPS.
Here's my issue. People don't understand that it's better to WAIT rather than go out and buy the first one that's out. Why? Gee, didn't Apple drop the price within a few months of the first iPhone? The same thing happened with the Wii, PS3, ect.
Another reason to wait is because people feel the digital camera on the new iPhone is better than the old one BUT... no video.

So, here's my prediction: Everyone will pay the high price for the iPhone 3G only to find out Apple will lower the price and maybe push out a new iPhone with video support. I give it 3-5 months.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Tuesday, July 8, 2008


It's Hancock!
It's Hancock! by Outsanity on Zooomr

Dear Google,

I will keep this letter short.
I learned from a FriendFeed post by Chris Pirillo about something you made called "Lively" in your Labs. I have not yet try it but here's a helpful review: "I didn't realize it was possible, but Google Lively is WORSE than Second Life. Like, astoundingly bad. Don't try.".
I ask you: why did you even bother? From your YouTube video, you seemed to figure out how to clone Yahoo's Avatartown and IMVU, mix them together, and produce the digital liquid shit you made.
Please scrap that little project and PLEASE scrap Orkut. Don't besmirch the Google name with that trash.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Games To Movies

If you remember on April 1st, 2008, posted their joke known as "The Legend Of Zelda: The Movie" trailer. Like many people, I thought it would make a good movie just by IGN's faux trailer. So, now I'm wondering "what games could be turned into movies if done right?". I, kind of, made a list of games I personally think could get the big screen treatment.

*Halo - I don't have Xbox but, I would assume it could be a movie if done right.
*Megaman - If done right, it could be a good series. The birth of Megaman and Dr. Wily and Sigma teaming up some how. Protoman being bad but then turning good.
*Mario Bros. - I know there's already a movie about them but, we need an ACCURATE remake. The only correct thing is the last name (Mario Mario & Luigi Mario) and they were from Brooklyn.
*Sonic The Hedgehog - If he can have 5 cartoon shows and many comics, why not do a movie? The way they do Sonic in the games now, they can do the same for a movie.
*Paper Mario - I'm sorry but, I would pay to watch a well done Paper Mario movie. That's just me.

This is just a small list but I'm sure there's some I'm missing (and some I can't seem to think of). So, I say go for the gusto and post a comment of what you think would make a good Game-to-Movie.

Clipboard Diary

I just got finished tinkering with a free program called Clipdiary I saw in Smart Computing (July 2008, Vol. 19, Iss.7, Pg. 26). It's basically an "extension", if you call it that, to the Windows clipboard. What's so special about it? Well, it remembers everything you "RC & S" (Right-Click & Save) into a little .sql file on your PC. Once you install it, you can press Ctrl+D to open and close it. I find it handy if you're doing things like uploading videos and/or images on multiple sites.

Here's a bad video of me messing with it.